
Sun Seeking

Last week I spent some time in Tucson, Arizona, visiting my mom and step-dad, and my sister & her kids came down too for the week. I was in search of the sun, and I surely found it. The day I arrived it was in the high 80s and by the end of the week we were up in the 90s (but with only 8% humidity, it felt perfect). I loved every minute of it. The five days were filled with laughing with (and at) the kids, rejuvenating, warming up, relaxing, going to bed early, enjoying the mountains and desert landscape, and catching up on conversation. I'm so blessed with a loving family.

The first morning my mom knocked on my door as the sun was rising (6:30am?) and asked if I wanted to go for a morning walk. Due to the time difference I was pretty awake, and so I hopped up and joined her. The morning was glorious along the golf course and heading into the mountains. (The second morning she woke me up at 5:30 for a 6am aerobics class!)

Keeping J & L (ages 4.5 and 2.5) occupied and happy took up most of our days, starting with breakfast and then finding a morning activity before lunch and naps, before pool time. We went to Tohono Chull, a desert garden nature place, the Children's Museum, and other excursions to keep them busy.

During the kids' nap time my mom taught me to play her guitar (note: one of my new year's resolutions underway!). She spent the summers of her teenage years at a ranch in the Tetons in Wyoming, and there learned to play the guitar and sing all the old folk songs. I can now somewhat successfully strum along to Red River Valley. Now I need to find a used guitar to buy and keep up with it.

In all, it was a fantastic five days of sun and it completely rejuvenated me... at least enough to see through to the end of winter in Boston.


Three Weeks and Done

After three weeks, our kitchen was complete last Friday. The only way to describe it is that it feels like I have my own cooking show and they just let me use the nice fancy kitchen, I don't get to keep it. It turned out exactly how we wanted it. I'll leave it to the pictures, as I'm short on time. I'm leaving for Arizona at 6am so I'd better finish getting ready. Enjoy!


8 Days Later

Eight days later, we have countertops! And some of the appliances are in place. Still chugging along. You know it's getting to be a long renovation when you've hit the same North End restaurants twice. But in the process we did discover a fantastic secret. A deal for $19.99 that includes two entrees and a bottle of (extremely drinkable) wine. We can't tell you where it is, or it wouldn't be a secret. As you can see, the granite countertops we picked out are a nice greenish black, with little sparkley flecks that reflect the light. Also showing here is the hood/vent.