
Anise Perfection

Many of you know I'm *somewhat* addicted to a (yet another) confection made down the street in our neighborhood. Modern Pastry (see a prior post on Torrone) bakes up a delightful cakey Anise cookie, and packages a half dozen of them in a sly little unassuming plastic bag fastened with a run-of-the-mill twist-tie. Totally unlabeled, and shoved off to the side--these cookies don't even demand their own counter space, let alone a domed cake plate. How we discovered these a few years ago is unclear, but in recent months they've grown into a dangerous addiction. Only after purchasing four bags of them in the span of two weeks--coming to terms with my addiction--did I get online to search for a recipe so I could try my hand at duplication. This morning I set about the task. After combining the eggs and sugar, butter and shortening, anise seed, vanilla, and almond extract, flour and baking soda and powder, I balled up pieces of dough and baked them up. I was so curious to see if they would turn out like Modern's. I glazed them with powdered sugar, milk, and anise extract, and topped them with traditional colored nonpareils, in the traditional Italian (Italo-American?) style. I waited 20 minutes until the icing hardened, eager to take my first bite. It was ... crunchier than I was used to, and had a stronger anise and almond flavor than the others, but overall very good. I'm not settling on this one, though. I aim to perfect my recipe in the coming months. Posted by Picasa


Let Me Be

The lyrics of this song, along with Isaiah 55, have kept me going in recent weeks. Both remind me that all I need is ready and available to me at no cost. I thought I'd share it...

Lord, you are the maker of my heart
Framer and reshaper of my soul
Master and creator
Healer and sustainer
I will put my trust in you alone

Teach to me be faithful, to confess
In this way my spirit will be blessed
Though my sins are daily
You have loved me greatly
Removing them as far as east from west

Let me be humble, let me be open
Let me find the joy of my salvation in your cross
Let me be broken whenever I stumble
Let me remember the great mercy of my God

Give me the full measure of your grace
As it is reflected in the word
Faith and reassurance, mercy and endurance
Carry these to those who haven't heard

All I have needed is laid at your table
All my achievements I lay at your feet
Alive in your spirit, I'm willing and able
You make my joy complete


Tick Tock

Less than one month (30 days!) til this.


City-Loving Eyes

I love the city. Especially on a night like tonight. I walked home from a work event tonight via Boston Common, through the humid summer air, taking note of the people passing, marveling at the wonders of the city. I walk the same path (pretty much) every day, but tonight I saw the city of Boston with new eyes--forever city-loving eyes. This week I've been challenged (in a very positive way) to consider my love for the city and my investment in it as a Christian and as someone who wants to raise a family in the city and put down roots here. I will be the first to admit that many days it's a struggle to gear up for another day of aching feet, noise, pollution, heat or cold, busyness. Many days it's enough just to get out the door and walk seven minutes to the T station, just to arrive there and almost suffocate in the stagnant underground air, wishing by some miricle I could be lifted--or driven!--to my destination. But on a night like tonight the city energized me rather than drained me. I can't fully explain it, but I know that the reflection I've been doing on the topic of city living has given me a new perspective and renewed and strengthened the joy I find in living here. This week I was reminded that God loves cities--places full of people, and he also asks a lot of those of us who invest in it. “Seek the welfare of the city …, and pray to the Lord on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare.” – Jer. 29:7




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Yesterday, as part of Operation Summer, we cruised around the north shore and Cape Ann. Our final destination turned out to be Rockport, and our preferred destination a lobster shack on the little neck that goes out to the pier, which by the way is laden with one too many touristy t-shirt shops and knick-knack hawkers. It's one of those places where it's somewhat difficult to discern the tacky from the actually worthy. We happened upon this great hole in the wall -- where first you walk past a few tanks of slimy creatures, and when you order your food they don't even serve you a side dish or a drink, just a pure boiled lobster on a paper plate, with a cup of butter and a wet nap. Our style completely. We sat on crates out back and watched the day go by for a while. Our second stop was for fried clams at a different seafood shack -- which were just as good as at Woodmans, our usual spot in Essex. Third, of course, was the fudge and salt water taffy... A delightful day made better by sharing it together, just us.


Quintessential Summer

I took the rest of the week off work to go about the goal of "living summer." How did I attempt this? First, I strutted off for a quick morning jog -- it wasn't too hot, not too cool either. Then I stopped by Albie's fruit & veg stand to procure some tomatoes (now that says summer). I whipped up a little couscous salad to drive down to N in Dorchester while she was working at home (aw, well, what's a two-hour lunch break on a Thursday of a holiday week). We had a fabulous time catching up and giggling, as usual -- discussing "life" -- I could have stayed all day. When I returned home I took a beach chair to Columbus Park and sat in the sun and watched the overenergetic kids splash in the fountains and continued reading through the book of Mark. By the time P finished work, I was ready with the guacamole and mojitos -- our very favorite summer indulgence. I relished the mojitos' combination of mint (picked from N's garden today!) and lime -- fresh squeezed, and unmatchable -- and savored the sweetness. The avocado was the best complement, salty and creamy to perfection, with cilantro also compliments from N. Today was, in typical F^2 fashion, my ideal "friends" and "food" day, mixed with sun, summer, and satisfaction. P.S. See old post for recipe!