
Moving On

Sometimes you reach a certain point in your life when you need to move on. I reached that point seven and a half years ago when I was finishing grad school in Chicago. I thought it was time for something new. It was a big risk, and completely unknown. I had one friend in Boston, and knew about four people here in all--less than a handful. I interviewed for a job at this little financial services firm on Boylston Street called Cerulli (I knew nothing about financial services, risky there too). I signed a lease for a fourth-story studio in Fenway without a paycheck, or even the promise of one. I layed it all on the line and trusted (in what?), even before I had a true and identifiable faith in God. A few days later, I was offered a job as an editor, and I drove my little black Honda Civic alone from Chicago through the dawn, the day, and the dusk over the highways and hills to ultimately reach my new home on Queensberry Street in Boston.

A few days later I met Paul. And a few months later I truly met God (or, He met me). He was utterly faithful through those early journeys, the ups and downs, ... and later my losses and trials, my friendships and growth, my marriage, and my job. When it was time to move on from something, He told me it was time to move on (although it didn't happen very often, as my friends know). And when it wasn't yet time, I stayed put. People asked me why I stayed at my job so long, when my peers were moving around all the time. I wondered sometimes, but mostly I just trusted that the Lord would let me know when it was time and I would know it.

About six days ago he told me clearly that it was time! I listened, and I responded. And so... here I am. I am moving on to a new phase in my life. I am starting my new career as a freelance editor in a few short weeks (about seven). I know this new phase will be complete with challenges, just as the last phase was, as every phase is. I know it is not a perfectly greener pasture, but it feels like it is just what God has in mind for me for a while. I am so content, for he knows far better than I.