The 15-Week Update, or Beer Belly Awkwardness
My mom pointed out yesterday that I hadn't posted anything at all in more than a month. It's really pathetic. It's not that nothing of note is happening--it is!--it's just that I guess my priorities have shifted! For the past two or three months I have been in full gear trying to accommodate the little person growing in my belly. It takes so much more than I ever expected: food (massive amounts some days!), sleep (9+ hours a night plus naps), and quantities of energy that just don't seem to exist! P and I are so very excited about the little one, though, and all these minor inconveniences (beer belly included) are really not inconveniences at all but part of the truly miraculous process that God designed. We feel so blessed. Even at 3am when I have been to the toilet four times already and am headed downstairs for a snack to get me through the night (Cheerios? string cheese? hmm, I can't decide).
The little one is due February 28. You're thinking Leap Year, but it's not. That was the first thing I checked when I found out our due date. For a quick synopsis of the past 11 weeks since we found out the joyous news, read on.
Week 4-5: Absolutely shocked when the doctor told me the pee-in-a-cup results were "Pregnant"!
Week 5-7: Road trip to Michigan for family reunion. Highlight: throwing up in the car, among other places. My niece (7) started calling me "Boot & Rally"...
Week 7-9: Where are the mashed potatoes? Why can't I get out of bed?
Week 10-11: I want a belly to show for all this hard work.
Week 12-14: Oh, here is the beer belly I have been waiting for. But it's so awkward--I can't button my jeans and maternity clothes don't fit yet.
In the weeks ahead, on Sept. 30, if the little one cooperates, we should find out if it's pink or blue the grandmas should be shopping for.
Also of note, P contracted pneumonia and I've been coughing up a lung for a week, so we had to postpone our 4th anniversary celebration. See photos here. We went out last night in our neighborhood, first to a new "small plates" Italian place called Damiano's (thumbs up!) and then to our usual dessert and cappuccino spot, Napoli.