I've spent the past few weeks trying to get organized for the baby. This includes working with an architect and our contractor to renovate the nursery and guest bedroom (we're gaining 25+ square feet!); registering at baby stores and buying the stroller; and taking care of my health, which has been up and down! But lately I have had the feeling that I'm confused as to who/what all this is for. Have any of you moms/parents gone through this? I look at my belly and wonder why I am "fat." I go into the soon-to-be nursery and unfold and refold the 0-6 month pink outfits and wonder who they are for. And I look at the box that our stroller is in and think, "What are we going to do with that?" I guess it's all very surreal. I have heard that people go through this stage and it may not feel real until I'm in labor and/or holding the little one in my arms.
Needless to say, despite the confusion I'm going through, we are both so very excited to meet Lindsay in a few months and start our lives as a family of three.