
On the Go

Lindsay is officially on the go. At 8 months, she is (by my estimation) about 19-20 lbs, probably 29 inches, pulling up on all manner of furniture, holding her own bottle (with such a look of ownership!), and cutting two bottom teeth this week (her first!). She is a pure joy to be around, except if you have the displeasure of catching her when she needs a trip to the changing table. And good luck getting her to lie still while you get her pajamas on if she sees the bottle. Her laughs are contagious. Yesterday I said the word "moose" and she burst into a belly laugh from the gut. We were both literally rolling on the carpet. I couldn't stop saying "moose" to see how much I could get her to laugh. We called Daddy in Texas and continued the moose episode over the phone.

As for food, she is an adventurous eater. I make about 65% of her food. The latest, this week, is a leek, asparagus, and sweet potato mix suggested by the Cooking for Baby book I've been using. The means to the end is actually better than the end itself (baby stock). She seems to love the interesting flavors of the leeks and asparagus, combined with the predictable nature of the sweet potato. She also finds it fascinating to taste some of my food. This morning I gave her a bite of my plain oatmeal, which had flax seed and applesauce mixed in. I read an article this week that suggested giving fruits and vegetables from each major category (Bromeliads, Cruciferous vegetables, Amaranths, etc.) by the time the child is one. This is supposed to yield a less picky eater because all the fruits and veggies should be familiar by the time the baby reaches a stage where she is pickier or more reluctant to try new things. It makes sense. We are enjoying our adventures in eating!

It's hard to believe she is growing up so quickly. Where does the time go?



In our quest to experience fall in New England, we trekked north of Boston yesterday to Cider Hill Farm, an apple orchard, pumpkin patch, and all-around farm. We met up with our good friends and their baby who is 3 months older than L. Despite the light rain, it was also a decent opportunity to try out my new camera. We sampled (and took home a bagful) cinnamon sugar cider donuts, and I picked out some Jonamac apples to make into some baby applesauce (without sugar) and grown-up applesauce (with sugar). The babies lounged in the Ergo carriers while the adults mucked around in rain boots, watching the hens lay eggs and the dirty sheep approach us inquisitively (do they have food?). We had time to snap a few shots next to the pumpkins.