
16 Months

Lindsay is now a very active little girl. She runs, doesn't walk.
She is independent and fights an adult's hand around hers when walking down the street. We fight harder!
She said her first noun-verb sentence on Friday: "See dog?" We were staying in Ps parents' Airstream trailer and she woke up the morning and remembered there had been a dog nearby and couldn't wait to see it.
She loves to introduce herself. She points to her chest and says "Lindee." Then points to Mom or Dad and confirms our identity.
She is learning all about possessives in the past week or two. She sees something that is hers and tells me "Lindsay's" - same goes for Mommy's and Daddy's.
She is obsessed with stairs and ledges. She has to sit on every stoop when we walk around the neighborhood.
She is increasingly afraid of water if she isn't sure what the deal is.
Her memory is really developing: we will arrive at a particular place and she tells me something about it that she remembers. Like we drive into our neighborhood from being away and she inquires about her neighborhood friends: "Paul?"
We pass playgrounds and she asks to "play."
She told me our new carpet in the hallway was "pretty."
Her favorite foods are cheese, yogurt, bread, pasta, and bananas. Although really any fruit will do. Pineapple is another favorite. She loves to ask for "pasta" and all of her favorites.
She has always loved her doll (Dede) but now she wants to read to her.
Her favorite books are Each Peach Pear Plum and a new book called Let's Go (Baby Einstein), which shows all sorts of vehicles. We told her maybe once that Daddy goes on the highspeed train and Lindsay has ridden the subway. Every time we read the book she reminds us that the highspeed train is Daddy's choo choo and the subway is Lindsay's.
At her 16-month appointment she was 23 lbs. 8 oz. (50th) and 33 inches (99th).
We are waiting for her eye teeth.
She sleeps 7pm to 7am and naps for about 1.5-2 hours at noon.
Most of this I'm writing down so I will remember. I'm going to try to do this more.