We recently moved on to two-word sentences ... "Mommy's water", "Lindsay's shoe", "More nanny (banana)", "More books", "Night night baby" ... and having a blast trying to figure out what Lindsay is saying all day. And she talks all day...
I made a little photo album including many of our relatives, and she can name almost all of them. She butchers some of their names -- for instance, Grandma Connie is "Hahn-hee."
She is getting into finger-play songs and imitating the hand motions. She especially likes the Itsy Bitsy Spider and The Wheels on the Bus.
She loves getting naked and splashing in the water -- and (believe it or not) getting dunked under in the pool! "More pool"...
She has started collecting things: rocks into a bucket, for example; and taking the lids off the empty tupperware containers and putting them back on. She is mastering her puzzles.
Her favorite personalities are Elmo and Dora (on the computer and the iPhone).
Will report back at 18 months!