
18 Months... Time Flies!

Lindsay is now 18.5 months. I'm wondering how and when this happened. She is in 18-24 size clothes, wears a size 5-6 shoe (one week she fit into her 3s and 4s, and the next week she had burst out of them!), and speaks in sentences. I don't know where my little baby went.

We are having so much fun with her--specifically in the area of trying to interpret and translate her jibber jabber.

We spent the month of August on Lake Michigan with my family, and during that month away I noticed so many changes in Lindsay. She said her first 2-word sentence in early July (16.5 months) then by mid-August she was putting everything together.

One morning I woke up to hear her in her pack-n-play (in the vacation cottage) saying, "Daddy work. Daddy plane. Bye bye. Grandma Connie plane? Bye bye. Mommy and Lindsay plane? Noooo." She was having her own perfect little monologue. And she had all the details just right. Yes, daddy had in fact gone away on a plane to work, and Grandma had left to head back to Park City, and Lindsay and I weren't going anywhere.

And a couple of days ago Lindsay and I were having dinner at the table together while listening to Puccini's La Boheme on my computer, and she says, "Pretty music. Mommy's pretty music,"... which reminded her of "Mommy's pretty flowers" on the counter. I can't get enough! It's fun to see where her mind takes her with each new thought.

She is also very into counting (like her dad). Most things that are more than one are "two." And for colors, most things are "red" or "blue."

She loves swimming (and going under! She actually asks for more!), running around, trying to figure out how things work (like her mom!), and narrating her life. I can't wait to see how all this develops.