If You Don't Knit...
There's a little saying that begins with "If you don't knit" and doesn't end appropriately. So I had to use it for this entry. Last night I stayed up 'til almost midnight for the first time ever... knitting. Our church Crafts Team had our knitting event on Saturday. I was thinking I was somewhat of a knitting veteran-- after all, I do take an annual retreat to Michigan to learn from the best of the best: my grandma and aunt. But not so. I arrived at Ran's on Saturday (drenched from the deluges) and when people started to pull the projects out of their stitch-n-bitch bags -- I only had a whimpy baby hat project to work on -- I realized I wasn't working up to my potential. So last night (Paul is travelling this week on business) I shut down my computer at work at 5 o'clock on the nose, and rushed down to Windsor Button, Boston-proper's most comprehensive knitting store. I paged through some books and found a couple of patterns for baby sweaters that looked to be Advanced Beginner to Intermediate, about my level. I rushed home, put some beans and rice on the stove and changed into comfy couch clothes, put on the prior night's Grey's Anatomy finale (recorded on DVR) and got to work. Here's a picture of what I had accomplished by 11:15pm. Okay, gotta run, I have another date with my knitting.
Well you know I don't knit, so you are super advanced to me. You'll have to put a how-to on your blog...with Celia due any second (and Friday at the latest) i need to get on the knitting bandwagon!!
Ye~h! I started emailing you back this morning when I got your email, but I lost it!
Anyways, I am sooooo glad that I have friends who can understand my crazy obsession. Whenever I tell people that I got more yarn and another project, I just get the shaking-head bit and a concerned look that says, 'is intervention due here?' ;)
I LOVE that book that you got. I just got some yarn for a cardigan from that book. :) Keep posting the progress~ Love the color~
I think I realized last night that my yarn is gray, rather than purple. :(
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