
Hurry Up and Wait

Well, as of today our new kitchen is all ready. Except that the project won't start until February 19. That's "D Day" -- Demolition Day. Then the next week the cabinets will be installed. Then probably another 10 days until the countertops. I'm having trouble waiting.

We went Saturday to pick out all our appliances. I'm especially excited about the aforementioned Kitchen Aid double oven with convection and microwave features. Never again will we go to reheat a slice of pizza and get a soggy, chewy crust! Aha, the top portion of the double oven will microwave your pizza and get it crispy on the bottom! The genius who invented that deserves a prize.

We also went to Thos. Moser this weekend to order our new stools for the island bar. I'm most excited about the stools themselves, and seeing the hand-carved beauty of the cherry and ash. P, however, is most excited about the drive to Maine to pick them up in early March.

On another, more fascinating note, check out the giant-sized carrot that came in my Boston Organics box today! Yikes. I think it would feed a family of six. Note that the avocados next to it are larger than normal, and the eggplant to its left is smaller than average. Happy munching.


Betty said...

Dude, that is one major carrot! Little scary. I'm going to have to check out this Boston organics thing. On a different topic, I think this is a better pronunciation spelling for the Korean progress :-) ..."oto-keh-jee-nah-seh-yoh?", and "jeh-mee-seh-yoh!" I gotta tell you, I am REALLY impressed with your pickup of the language!

Betty said...

Oops! "Jehmee-SUH-yoh!" D'oh!

yellowinter said...

yes, indeed. i'm impressed myself.

it's all so exciting, s! i can't wait to see how everything comes together.

yeah, that's a monster carrot. avocados arrived just in time for superbowl sunday, eh? guac time. :)

Won said...

oh wow, what a gorgeous oven! imagine all of the cakes and cookies and pastries and roasts and casseroles and other concoctions you can make in it. sigh. i think i'm going to live vicariously through your new beautiful kitchen. :) so what did you make with the monster carrot?

Grace said...

You have to take a picture with you and the carrot. The current picture does not do it justice!

skf said...

i ATE the carrot. :(