
Red's 30th

This weekend we went to NYC for the surprise 30th birthday party of my dear friend Laura ("Red"). I have to think she was utterly surprised that about 10-15 of her best friends (most who have known her more than 20 years) and spouses made it to NY to celebrate with her. Her parents and sister threw a marvelous dinner at Beppe and we toasted Laura well into the night. She and her three friends from the Manhattan Chorale Ensemble even graced us with a spontaneous rendition of Danny Boy, which I caught on video. It was a great time catching up with friends and celebrating the woman we all know and love.

Earlier in the day P and I also got to catch up with our friends K & R who moved to NYC a year and a half ago... it was so much fun to see them but made me sad we aren't close to them anymore! Here are K & R at the hotel bar (we stayed at the New York Palace) after lunch.

Kitchen update: Here's a picture with the drywall they put up last week. This picture is taken at the same angle as the one below in Moving Right Along. The appliances came too! Cabinets come today (I'm at home waiting now)...


elvgren said...

K has reviewed your bloggy blog. Glad we made it and it was great seeing you. I need to check your site out more often.

Dont let Paul turn that kitchen wall into a rock climbing exercise center!

ben said...

isn't "Danny Boy" a sad song? When are you going to post Kitchen pics already?