
Wish You Were Here

If you were here
you'd know we're doing well
and things have changed in four years
but not too much

If you were here
you'd see her garden in full bloom
like it was that year
full of life like it was back then
it keeps on blooming

If you were here
you'd have more little ones than you did back then
two you never even got to meet
they can throw footballs now
and talk back to you, just what you were waiting for

If you were here
you'd know that lucy said
"when he's not sick anymore,
can he come be my grandpa?"
just yesterday

If you were here
you'd get to know my husband
like you never did
and you would know why i love him
so very much

If you were here
you'd know we're still pulling for cancer
riding again this year, and raising so much
you were so proud of that
back then

If you were here
we would make you the most delicious top hat
you've ever tasted in your life
(maybe not as good as yours)
if you came to visit boston

If you were here
we wouldn't have to miss you
but we miss you so much
and we wish you were here


yellowinter said...

wish i could go across the screen and give you a huge hug... enjoy your time with your family this weekend. we'll miss you.
i'm praying for your trip, dearest. He will go before and with you.

Anonymous said...

wow, I'm crying. you are so good with your writing sarah! what a blessing. miss you much. i misplaced the race letter you sent and would like to contribute could you email me the website?


Anonymous said...

S- what a lovely poem. Im sure he'd be proud...if he were here.