
City-Loving Eyes

I love the city. Especially on a night like tonight. I walked home from a work event tonight via Boston Common, through the humid summer air, taking note of the people passing, marveling at the wonders of the city. I walk the same path (pretty much) every day, but tonight I saw the city of Boston with new eyes--forever city-loving eyes. This week I've been challenged (in a very positive way) to consider my love for the city and my investment in it as a Christian and as someone who wants to raise a family in the city and put down roots here. I will be the first to admit that many days it's a struggle to gear up for another day of aching feet, noise, pollution, heat or cold, busyness. Many days it's enough just to get out the door and walk seven minutes to the T station, just to arrive there and almost suffocate in the stagnant underground air, wishing by some miricle I could be lifted--or driven!--to my destination. But on a night like tonight the city energized me rather than drained me. I can't fully explain it, but I know that the reflection I've been doing on the topic of city living has given me a new perspective and renewed and strengthened the joy I find in living here. This week I was reminded that God loves cities--places full of people, and he also asks a lot of those of us who invest in it. “Seek the welfare of the city …, and pray to the Lord on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare.” – Jer. 29:7


Anonymous said...

love it! I'm so glad you are enjoying your city living. it does take a certain strength to do it!

yellowinter said...

thanks for the reminder. as we think about where we should "root" in the upcoming months, as c considers where to look for jobs and then a home, i've been realizing that it does take
"certain strength," as robyn put it, and a certain amount of sacrifice. not sure if i am completely set on it yet, but we do want to love the city as well. i am praying for God to grant me such a love for this city, s. thankful to hear that God's been providing abundantly for you in that aspect. boston is a beautiful city...