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Yesterday, as part of Operation Summer, we cruised around the north shore and Cape Ann. Our final destination turned out to be Rockport, and our preferred destination a lobster shack on the little neck that goes out to the pier, which by the way is laden with one too many touristy t-shirt shops and knick-knack hawkers. It's one of those places where it's somewhat difficult to discern the tacky from the actually worthy. We happened upon this great hole in the wall -- where first you walk past a few tanks of slimy creatures, and when you order your food they don't even serve you a side dish or a drink, just a pure boiled lobster on a paper plate, with a cup of butter and a wet nap. Our style completely. We sat on crates out back and watched the day go by for a while. Our second stop was for fried clams at a different seafood shack -- which were just as good as at Woodmans, our usual spot in Essex. Third, of course, was the fudge and salt water taffy... A delightful day made better by sharing it together, just us.


Anonymous said...

no... plate?! S and P, you so crazee!

cate said...

You're a brat....rubbing in your easy access to fresh seafood is not appreciated by those of us who are landlocked!! As if Tennessee wasn't bad enough:)

Anonymous said...

so fun! I love yummy lobster.