
The Work at Home Life

It's overwhelming just attempting to recap two and a half months' worth of events, thoughts, and happenings, so unfortunately this may fall short. I will aim to provide the highlights - in reverse order. Four days ago P and I launched our new careers as freelancers/independent contractors. Yes, in a late-breaking development, my hubby decided to join me in this great adventure into the unknown. In the last post in early May you read about how I had decided to end my seven-year stint at CA and start a new career as a freelance editor. By about a week into June, P started to get quite antsy about his own prospects and informed his employer of the past two years (M&Co.) that he would be moving on. So, quite cozy in our remodeled home office (envisioned more as a spacious home office for one rather than a cramped yet functional home office for two), we went off to work this Monday morning (yes, we took showers and got dressed). I had my first project to work on, and he had his independent project to begin. It was, overall, a satisfactory and productive week working together and sharing our quarters.

Some highlights of working at home: never having to wait for the bathroom, lunch costs much less than $8, you can move your "desk" every hour if you want, casual dress, shoes optional.

Some disadvantages of working at home: where is the tech support when you need it?


yellowinter said...

wow! congratulations, you two! hope this new chapter in your lives are going well. we look forward to seeing you soon~

Anonymous said...

you guys rock. that is so awesome. I can totally picture you two in that office working. I thought of another advantage...no commuting through the snow.