
Baby Gourmet

I have recently become inspired by the art of making baby food for L, now 6 months. I am going to start a blog about the meals I make for her (and us)... after we return from our 5-year anniversary getaway (sans bebe!).

The philosophy by which I want to feed her is that if we wouldn't eat it, she shouldn't either. As she grows (and even now), I want her to eat what we are eating, so she gets used to the flavors of our family.

Yesterday I pureed organic zucchini for the first time. P and I both love zucchini, so I was hoping it was a hit. Not only did it please Lindsay, but I actually found myself sampling her food in between her bites. Has any other mom found herself doing this?



Without a doubt, our once-little Lindsay is growing like a weed. At six months this week, she is ... 17 lbs 4 oz (75%) ... 28 inches (99%) ... sitting up without assistance for 1-2 minutes ... standing up at the couch or table without any help ... laughing at funny things people do, especially Daddy ... playing nicely with (or grabbing toys from) her friend Laura (9.5 mos) ... trying to "talk" ... eating (in order of appearance): rice, pears, peas, sweet potatoes, carrots, bananas, apples, and avocados ... and seems to be changing by the hour. We can't keep up! Baby proofing awaits us. 

She has had quite a summer. We took a 12-hour road trip to Lake Huron in Ontario, and have spent three (one more to come) long weekends (one full week) in Boothbay Harbor, Maine with Grandma & Grandpa Fullerton. She loves all the extra attention that family get-togethers provide. She is gearing up for her first overnight without Mom and Dad on our 5th anniversary August 28 (Thanks to G & G Fullerton!).

If the first six months have passed this quickly, I can't imagine how the years will fly. 



I have to admit that I was principally opposed to shoes on non-walking babies (if they don't serve a purpose, who needs them?)... until I had a baby and had the baby shoes in her closet. They are adorable! And a bonus is that she enjoys exploring them, eating them, etc.