
My Cup Overflows, and Trying to Drink It All

It's an interesting concept that the more you have to do the more gets done... and the more you have, the more you want.

I don't know if this is something that comes with age, or maybe it's just a stage, but lately I've found myself biting off a lot more than I thought was possible to chew. In addition to raising Lindsay--which, until a month ago, I thought was a full-time job (and it still is!)--, the new gig at Plummelo, and managing a household, I'm finding myself wanting more.

There are moments when I just want to rest in the Lord. But I am a Martha and I cannot sit still. My latest whims include: 1) Waiting to go for baby #2 until I've ridden another (my fourth) Pan-Mass Challenge this summer; 2) Looking for guitar lessons so I can finally learn how to play it, now that I see how L's little face just lights up every time she hears music, I sing, or I practice my chords; and 3) Researching culinary school!? I am starting to think I am insane.

But my cup already overflows (Psalm 23:5). I am so blessed. Not only am I so thankful for all that God has given me/us, but it should be enough. Why am I not content with the things that are already on my plate and possibly don't get enough attention? Why do I need to stretch myself so thin? Are the priorities in my life (God, husband, child, work) getting enough if I am seeking more?

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