
Things I Want to Remember

Lindsay, now four days shy of 13 months...

... Tucks her two babies into their "bed" (her rocker ottoman), covers them with her doll quilt my mom made, and gives them plenty of kisses "mmmmwa, mmmmwa"... prays with them (folding her hands), and says "night night" over and over again to them.

... Has discovered balls of all shapes and sizes. Around the house, of course, she has toy balls and talks about them. But this surprised me: This morning we were driving past North Station and she was looking out the window and saw all the stone/cement "balls" that block cars from driving into the building along the curb. "Ball, ball, ball"... she must have said it 20 times as she counted all the balls.

... Somehow climbed into the bathtub yesterday (thankfully there was not water in it).

... Noticed the "choo choo" T train today as we were driving and said "choo choo."

... Today started becoming really interested in feeding herself with utensils. I gave her a spoon to try to get her to eat some of her fruit and veggies (a struggle lately) and she was excited and proud to dip the spoon in the bowl and put some food on it and then put it in her mouth. Also, dipping food. I held a small bowl of tomato sauce for her to "dip" her pasta and broccoli in. She loved it.

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