
19.5 Months, Lindsayisms

... Having pretend phone conversations with household items that resemble a phone: a banana, a small rectangle piece of wood, etc.... "Hell-oh? Grandma? Papa? Daddy? Hell-oh? Bye bye."

... Asking for opera music "op-ah sissick" during meals and pointing to the iPhone or iPod dock. Then I bribe her and say if you eat two more peas you can listen to opera music! Mean Mommy.

... Pointing out letters everywhere she sees them, and actually getting P and W correct every time!

... Talking about pee pee and poops in the potty, but not doing anything about it. Obsessed with toilet paper, but I won't let her have it until she goes in the potty (she did once, so she got to play with the "tissue").

... Watching Mommy cook and talking about how the oven is hot. Asking me to cut her food ("cut it, Mommy").

... When she is in trouble, says "I sorry, Mommy" and she means it. Cute. Makes me melt.

... "So polite" ... she is proud of her manners when she remembers to say please and thank you.

... Singing "Rain, rain go away, come a day." Forgets a few lyrics, but the enthusiasm is not lacking. Sometimes combines Rain, Rain with "Row, row, row boat... May may may"

... Counting: "free, fibe, seben, nine, teh!"


Connie Winslow Chase said...

How adorable. Can't wait to see her!

yellowinter said...

Ugh! She is sooooo darling. Opera music? Fancy. Does she have a fave? Mozart or Italian?

Jessica Bott said...